1. What is Cloud-N-Fire Coaching?

According to Christian Coaching author Gary Collins, coaching is “the art and practice of enabling groups and individuals to move from where they are to where they want to be.” Cloud-N-Fire Coaching is a relationship and personal development coaching service that was created to help people build relationships with others who do not share their worldviews or values; for example, a conservative trying to build a positive relationship with a liberal, or a Christian trying to strengthen a bond with an atheist.


2. How is relationship and personal development coaching different from counseling?

I am a life coach, NOT a licensed therapist or counselor. There is overlap between coaching and counseling; however, there are some key differences, as well. Counseling tends to focus on returning the client to his or her past in order to heal from trauma, which American Psychological Association defines as an “emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape or natural disaster.” Coaching, on the other hand, helps the client better understand his or her present situation in an effort to guide him or her toward a more desirable future.


3. Why did you name your coaching service Cloud-N-Fire Coaching?

As a practitioner of Tai Ji Quan, I have long appreciated the importance of balance between opposing forces, symbolized by the yin & yang symbol. The name Cloud-N-Fire Coaching refers to this concept, as well as to a story from the Bible that inspires me: the story of how God led the Israelites out of Egypt with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night (Exodus 13:21).


4. What are your qualifications?

I am a Certified Professional Life Coach with the Christian Coach Institute, an International Coach Federation School that requires 80 approved coach-specific training hours for certification. I have over 25 years of experience in navigating a religiously polarized family environment. I also spent two years serving as a campus minister with Epic Movement (an Asian-American branch of Cru) and three years as an intern Young Adult Minister at Wintersburg Church in Santa Ana, California.


5. Do you offer coaching to people who do not identify as Christian?

Yes. Whether a client and I are a good fit does not depend on our holding the exact same beliefs. The most important thing is that we both see the value in cultivating positive relationships with others, regardless of their backgrounds or values.


6. How much does coaching cost?

Once we complete a free evaluation of your coaching needs, we can determine the number of sessions and price per session that is most appropriate for you. Sessions typically range from $75 – $105 each. Sessions are 50 minutes in length and can be held either in person or online via Skype or FaceTime.


7. What does a typical session entail?

At least 48 hours before each coaching session, you will be expected to submit either a client intake form or pre-coaching form. This information allows me to be well-prepared for our sessions. During a typical session, we will discuss four different topics: Awareness (Where are you now?), Vision (Where do you want to go?), Strategy & Action (How do you get there?), and Obstacles (What may get in your way?). Walking through these four steps allows us to come up with a personal plan for you to achieve your goals. I have found that this collaborative process is far more motivating than my simply telling the client what to do.


8. Can you guarantee “results”?

I don’t like to make promises that I can’t keep. Progress in life coaching looks different for every client and is often difficult to quantify. However, I can guarantee that you will make significant progress towards your goals IF you take consistent, disciplined action toward them using the tools you will learn in our sessions.


9. Do you offer personal training services?

Yes! In my experience, physical health goes hand in hand with mental and spiritual health. Good physical health can elevate your mental and spiritual well-being, while poor physical health can hold you back from meaningful personal development. I became interested in fitness in 2011 and have been certified as a personal trainer since 2015. Taking care of my body has done wonders for my self-esteem and confidence. Please reach out to me if you have further questions about this aspect of my practice.


10. Where do you stand in regards to Western medicine versus alternative medicine?

Though both Western and alternative medicine offer valuable frameworks for understanding the body and mind, I align myself with alternative medicine. In 2016, I obtained a Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 1 Certificate with the CHEK Institute. This program has helped me understand the importance of nutrition and movement to the quality of one’s life.


11. What other personal training certifications do you have?

I have certifications in Personal Fitness Training, Group Exercise Instruction, and Battling Ropes Coaching from the National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association.


12. Do you teach martial arts?

Yes. I teach Tai Ji Quan and Xing Yi Quan. Feel free to reach out to me with questions about this part of my practice.


13. What books, websites and other resources have inspired you to do this work?

Some of my favorite books include Changes That Heal by Henry Cloud, The Reason For God by Tim Keller, Mastery by Robert Greene, Quiet by Susan Cain, How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie, and StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath.  Brene Brown and Jordan B. Peterson are two of my favorite sources for coaching inspiration online. When it comes to fitness, I appreciate the approaches of Elliott Hulse (though he has been quite outspoken about his political beliefs recently), Omar Isuf, Alan Thrall, Mike Israetel, Juggernaut Training Systems, and Ramsey Dewey, among others. If you wish, I can offer you personalized recommendations for reading and listening in our coaching sessions.



Changes That Heal by Henry Cloud: https://www.amazon.com/Changes-That-Heal-Practical-Healthier/dp/0310351782/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Changes+That+Heal&qid=1610597570&sr=8-1


The Reason For God by Tim Keller: https://www.amazon.com/Reason-God-Belief-Age-Skepticism/dp/1594483493/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=The+Reason+for+God+Tim+Keller&qid=1610597694&sr=8-2


Mastery by Robert Greene: https://www.amazon.com/Mastery-Robert-Greene/dp/014312417X/ref=tmm_pap_title_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1610597749&sr=8-1


Quiet by Susan Cain: https://www.amazon.com/Quiet-Power-Introverts-World-Talking/dp/0307352153/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Quiet+Susan+Cain&qid=1610597845&sr=8-1


How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie: https://www.amazon.com/How-Win-Friends-Influence-People/dp/0671027034/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=How+to+Win+Friends+and+Influence+People&qid=1610597906&sr=8-1


StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath: https://store.gallup.com/p/en-us/10385/strengthsfinder-2.0-(hardcover)


Brene Brown – Listening to shame: https://youtu.be/psN1DORYYV0


Jordan B. Peterson – 20 Minutes on UnderstandMyself.com (He talks about 10 components of one’s personality derived from the Big 5 personality model): https://youtu.be/4IdzC6mJzLA


Elliott Hulse – Plan to Lose Belly Fat Forever: https://youtu.be/lozkwiyVefw


Omar Isuf – The #1 Shoulder Training Mistake: https://youtu.be/zlEc0K5rgcc


Alan Thrall – How to: Power Clean: https://youtu.be/mPsxlNjv7Aw


Mike Israetel – Bodybuilding 101: 5 Rules for Building Muscle (Ft. Mike Israetel): https://youtu.be/Yhj1x5x4inc


Juggernaut Training Systems – How Heavy Do You Need to Lift for BJJ?: https://youtu.be/pof8TcpRbZY


Ramsey Dewey – Can you win a fight using Tai Chi?: https://youtu.be/Y_T0qJmXMSU


14. What do you like to do for fun?

I am a huge anime fan: One Piece is, hands down, my favorite series of all time. Some of my other favorite series include Dragonball, Digimon, Naruto, Bleach, Attack on Titan, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, and Code Geass. I also geek out on classical music. My favorite composers all happen to be Russian: Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich, Rachmaninoff, and Prokofiev.